Friday, January 29, 2010

Ok, Freaking Out

Yes, yes I am. In a way only I can freak. And I shall tell you why, if you would like to know. Well, actually, I'm going to tell you anyways, so you might as well be prepared to enjoy it! (Or listen quietly!) Ok, so you may or may not remember when I sent Karen Fox my partial (what I had finished at the time) draft of Angela's Secret. Just for her to read and tell me if I had the skillz to become a published author :). 'Cause that's obvisouly not the book I want to get published, since it's copyrighted. Lol. TCB is what I'm gonna get published, h o p e f u l l y this year. As I stated before in a recent post...

Anyways, the point of that was to say that she responded! Today! My dad handed it to me after I shadowed (Which was rather terrible. But I don't know what to think, some kid hung himself, so the school was dead, and people were crying. Really, really bad. I feel terrible.) in the car. I opened it, and I nearly squealed. I had to literally contain my happiness, 'cause I didn't want to interrupt anybody when they were driving. Lol. But I'm legit-itally serious. And yes, I just made that word up. BUT SHE ACTUALLY EDITED IT! *squeals* And wrote me a note!!! Which I'm going to scan tomorrow and post. With more info and stuff about it. Let's just say I'm really, really, really, really, really excited!

So I shadowed... uh, not much to say. I'll post a pros-and-cons list sometime soon. But after I shadowed, I came back to school for Brain Bowl. I had a lot of fun!!! Answered some questions... and Laurel's doing it now, so we now have back up for the literature questions. Back-up? No, that's the wrond word, actually. More like the person who will be answering most of them :) Go Laurel! And my mom says that we'll be taking Michael AND Tommy, because she can't choose between both of them.

Wednesday during Literature, we were doing Greek gods & goddesses flash cards. I'm just going to post what I thought was really funny:

We had switched over to saying the Roman names.
Mrs. Robinson: Honey, if you get this, you're a genius.
Holds up "Athena".
Me: Uh... It's an M. It begins with an M. The professor. From Harry Potter. Uh. Professor Mcgonagall. Her first name! Professor Mcgonagall's first name! Uh...
Mrs. Robinson: I have no clue what you're talking about, but would you like to get help from the 'audience'?
Me: Laurel?
Laurel: Minerva.
Me: Minerva!
Mrs. Robinson: I have no clue how you got that through Harry Potter, but that's correct! Congratulations, honey!

Hehe. That just proves you learn things from weird places! Lol :).


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