Saturday, September 25, 2010
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Dinner Dance
I then had to hurry and get dressed. Yep. Once everyone was ready, we drove to the Countryside Country Club, at 6, and walked around back to where everyone was taking pictures. The group pic might be up soon, if I can get it from mom. We tried to pose around palm trees and the fountain (yeah, there was a fountain on the golf course...?)... Tommy wore his Captain's outfit, and Teagan wore his baby blue suit. Those were the only weird outfits, aside from some pretty dark makeup on some of the girls... Lol. I stuck with lip gloss. I also think Laurel and I were the only ones in flat shoes- everyone else had heels. Oh well, we were sensible. Lol.
We all sat down at the table once we actually got into the room, and we had these name tags that told us whether we were having chicken or pasta. (We had picked that earlier in the year). I had chicken. It was okay, but the ice cream bar was better :) LOL.
The whole room was divided in half by like this divider thing, and Espiritu was on the other side. You know, I didn't even think to look and see if Sebastian was there. That would've been weird. Lol. But I don't think they were having much fun, they kept trying to crash ours, and the teachers would shoo them out. And at one point they through streamers through the crack in the divider. And then when we were dancing, they got stuck to our barefeet. (Because the girls took our shoes off...)
The first person I danced with was Sean. Mrs. Robinson kinda pushed us together, along with Nick and Elizabeth. Yup. That was kinda awkward, 'cause it wasn't even a slow song, it was more of a jump up and down thing. Although now that I think about it, Sean is also the first person I danced with during the first slow song played. Which I think he did on purpose, he was kinda hovering around me. Which was weird! I danced with Austin 2 and a half times. To annoy him. Because nothing annoys him more than a perky&quirky girl dancing with him. Lol. The first thing he says to me? "You know, I'm like a foot and a half taller than you." Okay, I don't care :).
There weren't enough guys for every girl, so there were always some partnerless. (Mainly me, 'cause I blinked and then like all the guys were gone. So Maggie/Sabrina and I danced together, like all the times we didn't have a partner.) At one point, I was standing in the middle with Elizabeth, both of us parnterless, and Love Story had just come on, and I look up and Zack is also parnterless and he like waved at me to come over there, so we danced together. And that's what friends are for- saving each other from looking completely stupid! Lol. It was funny 'cause we were both singing. And he actually knew the lyrics. Lol. And Espiritu kept looking through the balcony at us dancing. It was like "get a life, and go back to your own party!"
My favorite part? When he played Don't Stop Believin', and we all did the dance steps that we have for the talent show. Screaming steps at each other, while singing along at top volume, and trying to remember what we were supposed to be doing. Yep. That's my class, and I'm going to miss them so so so much. I don't think the teachers or DJ could believe it. :)
Yeah, I had a whole lot of fun. I posted the pics on picasa. But I have to go now, so cya.
Love Ya,
Jess :)
Saturday, May 1, 2010
I'm Really Glad I Went!
When I rang the doorbell (Well, actually, mom rang the doorbell. I was about six feet behind her, having a heart attack from nervousness...) the dog (I don't know which one...) came to th edoor, and Sammy took both dogs and put them in a room. And I really appreciated that :). I felt bad, though, because they were locked up all night... But Mr. & Mrs. Sokolowski were really nice and said they were ok in their room.
Sabrina and I tried to stay dry for as long as possible. Which didn't really happen :). We were getting splashed and hit by water balloons, so we both ended up taking our shirts off. (We had on our bathing suit!) In the beggining, I tried to stay dry for my glasses, because once I got wet, my glasses would not be able to be seen through. Even though they would be off when I was in the water, they would still get splashed... Lol.
Laurel and I were playing pool against Stevie and Nick when I noticed the scrabble game. It was one of the spinny ones!!! So Laurel and I went to play that :) Austin and Kameron joined us. I actually think Kameron was going to win. We never finished, though, because someone hit Kameron with a water balloon and it got all over the game... but before that, Kameron actually took a picture of the score card to show his mom. Lol...
Wow. So there I am, ignoring her like usual, but sara can't ignore someone. But she can not hit me. Lol. So first, she tries to soak me in water by putting water in a bucket and throwing it. I kept walking, not looking at her, she completely misses me, and splashes the lineua. Then she attempts to throw a water balloon at me (I know it was her because she was the only one with a pink one. I didn't look at her.) But it hits me, doesn't break, and bounces off of me! And hits her! I was like "KARMA!" (Well, in my head :) lol.) She kept trying to get Kameron or Austin to pour water on my head. I know that 'cause Austin told me. Lol, whatever. I'm a bigger person. (Well... I have a comment that I could put here, but it would totally ruin the whole "I'm a bigger person" because it would be rude... but if you know me, you know what I'm thinking :) It's obvious)
At one point, Mrs. Sokolowski had to let the dogs out, so I stayed in the house with the doors closed, and Laurel stayed with me. She was playing the piano, and I was dancing. I got some weird looks from Connor and Blake. Lol. But I still twirled! And LAurel was amazing! She made up her own song and memorized it without writing it down. She was going by ear... She's amazing. She is so talented! (By the way, she's now writing her stories in Bulgarian. Yup. Now I really cant read them. Lol) We were looking at the pictures above the piano. One was a really nice one of Cleveland at night, with the lights all lit up. We were trying to guess what city it was, but we ended up asking Mrs. Sokolowski. There was a Christmas picture of them, when Sammy had to be like 7 and Zack looked 5. They were so cute!!!!
I played volleyball a couple times, too. That was fun, although my thumb hurts and I can't crack my knuckle... But it's nothing I didn't have during basketball season. That was fun, we played girls verse boys until Kameron came out and told us the Kentucky Derby was about to end, and we all wanted to see how our horses did. (We pulled their names out of a bag. My horse was Conveyance.)
I think the best part of the night was near 8:15ish at night, and we were all in the pool, and Don't Stop Believin' came on the radio. Without even looking at each other, we all stopped what we doing and stood there and sang the whole song. It was pretty epic. I mean, none of us could hit the high notes and we were all flat the whole song, but it was awesome. Mrs. Sokolowski came out and filmed us! I think we should put that in the end-of-year- slideshow thing. But I love how our class is mostly on the same level sometimes.
Mr. Sokolowski was really nice, telling me all these stories. Like the one about Zack and how he came home after studying the whole week and told his dad that the test was easy, it was open-book and with a partener, and his dad asked him who he had as a partner and Zack was like "Jessica!" Lol. And then he asked me what high school I was going to, and I told him Eastlake Engineering, and he got all excited and told me Michael's dad went to MIT, and how he was glad I was going through and he was giving me a little pep talk about how girls can do whatever they want and not to listen to guys saying we can't do anything. Now I know why Zack is as gentleman-y as he is. His parents are really nice :) Well, I already knew that, but it was nice to be reminded how nice they were :) If that makes sense? Lol.
I had so much fun!! I'm glad I went!! And I think I'm getting better with the cynophobia- don't you? A couple months ago I would never be able to go to a house that had two dogs, let alone stay there 7 hours. I'm the one who nearly ran out onto the highway and threw my candy at the dog on Halloween that one year... Lol.
Love ya!
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Quash! Quash! Quash!
It was absolutely embarrasing, awkward, embarrassing, and really funny what one of the things that happened today was. So there we are, changing in the locker room, and I hurry through it to get outside. (Because it's a nice day and all...) So I finish and charge out the door. I slammed all my weight on it, expecting it to open. It didn't. Let's just say, I'm pretty lucky I don't have a bruise. But then we all try to figure it out while I slam into it again to see if it was just stuck. Turns out, there was a huge lock right above our heads. That we were supposed to unlock first. Yup. So I finally get out, and Zack's there, leaning on the wall, shaking his head. I'm like "What?" And he's like "You know you're supposed to unlock it first, right?" And I'm like "You heard that?!?!" And he's like "Yeah. I heard you slam into it, comment about how it won't open, and then slam into it again." Aw, crap... Lol. That didn't help my "I'm not clumsy!" case.
Ugh, we switched seats in lit/eng today. I now sit next to *UGH I can't even say it* Kameron. *Cry* But Elizabeth is next to him on the other side, and Zack's behind me, so maybe it'll be okay? Or maybe we can switch him for someone... Or me. I'll switch with Linnette. Then I'd be in the back, get my writing-the-homework-on-the-board job back, and be next to one of my friends. Actually next to one, not with someone in between. And that would make talking to Elizabeth easier- it I was behind her at a diagonal.
We took even more notes in science. When do they stop? I did a contract and got 2 bonus points for it! Yay! And another that I still have to grade. Those were the easy labs, now I have the hard ones. Woo-hoo. But I'm doing these contracts, I don't care how difficult or boring they might be. My grade is too important.
Math. I was really, really nervous about getting our tests back. I got an 84%. With 5 extra points. Eeeekkk. But that was a terrible chapter. And mine was the one she stopped grading halfway though because she couldn't take it. I got like all of them wrong, but not fully taken off points, because I showed all my work. But once she picked up again the next day, I got the rest right. I didn't get a single question wrong on the back. And those were harder. Go figure. I'm doing it again- getting the easiest ones wrong and the harder ones that everyone else gets wrong right. Ugh. But this chapter is so easy! Probability and analyzing words. Hehe, I got that down pat. I might have over-analyzed some of them, though. Like that one about where they were sitting. I kept asking stufff like "What if they have names on the chairs?". Hehe :) I'll analyze anything you ask :).
Today was liturgical prep. Before we had study hall, she had us reading brief sections of the bible out loud. For the very last one, I opened it randomly and picked the smallest chapter. Well, I just happened to pick it in the "Book of Songs". She wanted me to sing it! I was like "No! No way! I'm not singing!" And then Tommy, Michael, Sean, and Blake got up and sang it. And repeated the one they thought was the chorus. Lol, I'm really going to miss my class... :'(. I really am. Well, most people. Screw the others. Lol, but nicely :).
Well, I'm going now, seeing as I have soaking wet hair and I'm going to read the science lesson tonight. Yep. It's my grade, and I'm taking control of it. Oh, and BTW, I tihnk I might've converted Austin to MLIA. Yes, I'm that powerful. Lol.
Reminescing in Memories,
-Jess <3
Monday, April 26, 2010
Maybe, Maybe Not
I really need to work on my science grade. It's an 80! But there are only like 5 grades in it so far, but it's not good! I need to pull that up so I can have straight A's. I didn't work all of middle school to ruin it my last quarter of my last year in one class. Ughhhh. I need to work on this... It wouldn't be an 80 if I hadn't taken that quiz that I missed the instruction and notes on. Stupid dentist :( But, it is my fault. I should have looked it over better knowing I missed it. Now all I can do is do basically all the labs possible. Which stinks 'cause I've seen them and there aren't really easy ones yet...
I really want to go to Zack's party, but then, I don't. I mean, I want to go to celebrate his birthday and hang out with him and my friends, but I don't want to be all alone. Sara is going to make Laurel hang out with her- even though Laurel's been my friend since ever. Sabrina and Maggie would be fun to be with, but they'll be talking about all sorts of inside jokes and I won't understand them at all :(. And, I mean, Jojo and Katelyn are only going because they get to wear a bathing suits. And Connor, Teagan, Blake, and Kameron are all going- blech. Whatever I do, I'm still going to get Zack something awesome... And he has 2 dogs. 2! But if he promises to keep them away from me, I think I can survive well enough... And I'm sure I can help Mrs. Sokolowski :). I don't know what I'm doing. I don't even know what I want to do. Ughh. I hate this feeling.
We went to Cracker Barrel for dinner tonight. I really want to work on TCB, but I have homework. I don't know. I really don't know. I keep pushing down this feeling, but it's still there, waiting for my to crack so it can flow up to the surface and wreak havoc on me. I don't know...
-Jess :) <---- smileys make me feel better :)
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
We Needed The Short Bus

I entered the Vera Wang contest on Polyvore. I like this set a lot, and it's a totally new layout. I don't even really know what Vera Wang is, but I figured I have nothing to lose by joining.
Well, anyways, today we had a field trip to the Chrism Mass led by the Bishop. I think I shall start the description of the day before we left. So, now, unto the memory of snack. (Hehe, I wanted to say it all old-fashiondy)
I was walking to the cafeteria with Alicia and Elizabeth, and we get our snacks out of the cooler and sit down. Two minuted later, Danielle comes in, slams her snack on the table and like yells at us. "Thanks for waiting, guys." Like, she really did yell at us. We were like, okay? Then in the bathroom Alicia and I were talking and we were all "What the heck? She just blew up at us!" Which she did.
Then we were getting on the bus, and Danielle didn't want to sit with me because she said "I would be writing the whole trip." Well, that was fine with me, but she decided I would feel hurt so she sat down next to me. Then she blocked me out while I was trying to talk to Elizabeth. By that I mean she sat with her back to me, and Alicia was laughing 'cause it was so obvious that I couldn't talk while someone's back was to me, because I couldn't look past her! Well, then I joke to Elizabeth "Awesome people unite!" and Danielle looks at me and goes "Oh, you're not with us, Jess." And I was like what the heck? And she goes "Chill, Jess, it was just a joke." Which I know it was. But, really? I'm sick and tired of getting put down by her in everything I do. Okay, so it's not her pitiful "normal", but that's perfectly fine with me. I don't need to be normal!
Father Gary decides to stop at Starbucks to but us all a drink, and as we were getting out She goes to Kelly "I thought we weren't allowed to have electric devices on the bus." And Kelly is like "This is how we get the bus back." And Danielle goes "It was just a joke!" And then I go "Yeah, but your jokes aren't funny." And she's like "What is wrong you today?" And I'm like "Well, I don't know, maybe it's that I was just dissed like five times during this trip?" And she goes "You say stuff about me all the time!" And I go "Name one example of when I did!" And she turns and stomps off toward Starbucks. I was like, forget it. I'm tired of being made fun of and then being told to "chill" or that it was "just a joke". Well, the thing is, every "I'm just joking" has some truth in it.
In other news, I ordered a strawberry banana smoothie. And I felt so professional with my little Hamlet notebook and my church uniform on. Kelly told me that I looked it, too- I looked just like how she remembered what everyone in college does. Notebooks, laptops, homework, in Starbucks just sitting and working. We all lined up and were ordering and everyone is saying "Mocha" or "Frap" and the guy behind the counter was just shouting stuff like "Another Double Chocolate Frap". And then I come along and he looked ready to say "Another..." And I go "May I have a strawberry banana smoothie, please?" And he laughs and it staring at me intently, and then Father Gary is like "Oh, a healthy one!" Well, not really, I just don't like coffee. I can't stand the smell. And I would've gotten hot chocolate, but it was already hot out, so I decided against it. As Alicia said later with the counter guy, if the laughing about a smoothie was an inside joke, no one got it.
When we got back into the bus, Danielle moved away from me and sat with Linnette. Alicia was laughing at me again, because it was just so stupid. When we got there, the mass was like two hours and it was pretty cool. But the choir was like high-pitched. I mean, they were in key and really good, just so loud! And the choir pit was AWESOME. It was on the ceiling. It never touched the ground, it was so cool.
After mass, we got back in the bus to go back to school, and I bravely left my notebook in the seat when we went in, I go to the seat with my book in it, and it was moved. I look up and Sean is sitting there, and I'm like what? And he's like "Just sit down." And I was still dubious, but then Kameron came like charging up the steps and I didn't want to be standing in the middle of the aisle so I sat down next to him. Connor was behind us, so he kept annoying me. I let Sean write something, because it was hard enough to write with him reading over my shoulder, and the bus kept moving. He ended up writing about some sort of suicidal tiger.
When we got back to school, it was basically time to go, so we all just walked out to carline. But mom had detention duty, so Sean asked me to go to the volleyball game. Well, I figured I'd rather go sit with my friends instead of sitting in 5th grade waiting until 4 o clock when detention is over, just watching Connor and Teagan copy the bible. So I walked over to the gym and sat with them for all of the jv game. First I sat next to Michael, then I moved over to Zack, and then he had to go call the lines for the game, so I was next to Sean. Mrs. Maclean came over and sat down next to me, and Sean leans over and goes "Mom, shouldn't you be sitting with the parents?" and she's just like "I came over to say hi to Jessi." And then we started talking and it turns out that for spring break, Sean, Nick, and Stevie will be at Disney for the same time I am. Stevie actually going to be staying at Port Orleans Riverside, which is where I'm staying. Sean and Nick are gonna be at the Wilderness Campground. I really, really hope we can do something like go to Downtown Disney or something. It would be so fun!!! Then Mrs. Maclean was like "Well, Jess, I should probably go sit down with the parents now." And then we both laugh and she goes by them. One of the reasons why she is one of my favorite teachers, ever. Mrs. Agrinsoni, Mrs. Maclean, and Mrs. Hong.
Well, TTYL,
Monday, March 29, 2010
They're Cheaper By The Dozen
We started a lab in science today. We actually got to work with the chemicals, and it would've been awesome except once again I get put with Austin and he wouldn't let me do anything with them. I tried using the mini spoon to get some of the chemicals and the whole time Austin's there "Don't spill it. Careful! Into the vile! Steady. Careful! You're doing it wrong! Give me that!" And then there's me "I know how to work a spoon!" And then he shoved the worksheet at me and told me I was in charge of writing nad he was in charge of chemicals. Well, I don't mind writing the paper since no one can read Austin's writing, but still. I actually wanted to work with the chemicals. Oh, and you know how every single thing says "Never taste, touch, or smell the chemicals." Well, sara actually tasted one to see if it was really glue. WOW. I really wish it was ammonia or something.
So... I'm thinking now would be a good time for a sneak peak of The Crown Bearers?
“What time are we leaving tomorrow?”
“Well, the plane leaves at nine, so we’re probably going to be picking you up at around six. Wow, that’s early. What time do you think you’re waking up?”
That was early. I knew already that there was no way my parents would be up to say good-bye, so they would insist on doing it tonight instead.
“Uh, I really don’t know. Probably around four. But I still need to pack.”
“Yeah, same here. I would suggest pretty warm clothes, a couple of scarves, multiple pairs of boots, all the jeans you own, and a jacket. Preferably fur.”
Rebecca’s closet was bigger than her room. And she would always restock her wardrobe every new fashion trend. The only good thing about it? I’m only a little bit smaller than her, so I fit into her old clothes. She lets me pick out whatever I want to keep. It’s outdated, but I never really care. If you looked at my closet you would probably see stuff from my grandmother’s age.
“Um, Bec, I don’t own a lot of that. I have one pair of boots, and no scarves. I’m not even sure the boots fit me anymore. I never really used them.” I found both items foolish and frivolous, we live in California; when are we going to wear them? And who wants to choke on scarves just to make a fashion statement? “And I only own two pairs of jeans.” My whole closet was based on Californian weather, so mostly shorts.
She rolled her eyes. “Just bring what you can. Actually, maybe you can come over later.”
And that was an introduction to Becca :) Not the beggining of the chapter, but in chapter one.
Love ya,
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Mer Cee Ber Coup
I don't think I commented about the baseball game. Epic-ness. Except for the whole sunburn thing. And the obnoxious guy in front of me yelling. And everyone getting up and moving from me. (I know, Nick, you said you didn't do it on purpose.) But other than that, fun :).
I went golfing with Danielle and Elizabeth and Alicia. Now that was totally awesometacular! I came in dead last! But I had so much fun :) (( ))
Monday, March 15, 2010
Epic Bottle Cap Wars
I got a scrapbook for 2010 :). It's so incredibly amazing. It's like tanninsh whiteish in color, and it has blue swirls and it looks AWESOME. I also got paper and stickers to decrorate the pages with. I'm gonna go print some pictures, once Mom gets off the back computer. I'm so psyched to make this!!!
Currently, I'm at my desk and my window is open, and I can see Sebastian and his friends out there, and he is trying (unsuccessfully) to skateboard, and he has this one girl over and she's like a pro. She's doing flips with it and everything. And he just looks weak. But I knew that already.
Brain Bowl is tomorrow. I'm so freaking nervous!!! Mom was gonna make me a captain, but I was like no way. It's bad enough this thing has to be on stage. The teams for the 2 rounds (not championship) are Team 1: Austin, Laurel, Tommy, and Stevie; and Team 2: Nick, me, Sean, and Michael. If we make it to the championship round, mom says it will probably be Nick, Austin, Stevie, and me.
That reminds me- it was so funny today, because we had a fire drill. (In the middle of science...) And so my class of 8 is out there, with our normal fire-drill behavior, and all of a sudden, Mrs. Huey goes "Austin, you know better than to talk out here." It turns out he was talking to himself. Haha, so Austin.
We were supposed to have a lot of homework today, but I finished it. Social Studies, I finished in class, Eng, I finished at the very beginning of Spanish, Math I finished after school... Yeah, it's supposed to be a lot. And now I have extra time... hmmm.... what to do... Maybe go on the wii fit board? Haha exercise is always good :). 'Specially because I had a shake and candy for snack.
So, h o p e f u l l y, I'll post tomorrow, to tell all about brain bowl!!!
Thursday, March 11, 2010
My Hair Refuses To Straighten, So I'll Be Curling It!
Last Wednesday, the 5th (I think...) was library. Haha, I promised Zack I would put that he looked at my blog on here. So, yeah. Zack looked at my blog :) lol.
On Thursday, the 6th (I think...) we went to the Taylor Swift Concert!!! It was so amazingly awesometacular!!!!! I got pictures of every single number, and videos of every single song, and it was so much fun!! I loved it soooo much!!! She tweeted that she wanted to see big, nerdy glasses in honor of You Belong With Me, so I wore some :) I wore my blue pi shirt and 3D glasses with the lens popped out of them. (Which were actually mom's...) So awesome! I had a great night! Oh, and it was cool that there wasn't any school the next day, so we could sleep in! (I slept till 11!)
Yesterday, I went to Finance Park. I had fun, but it wasn't exactly the best time it could've been. Part of it was that the "Life Situation" they gave me was BELOW poverty line. And I was 33 and single. (Something went wrong there!) Not only that, but I had a challenge card. I would have broken even normally, but with that challenge card I went 12 dollars into debt. So then I had to go back and take away all money to charity and break into my savings... :'(. I gave up having TV and cable, and I still couldn't afford high speed internet. That was the worst part about the situation card. I was making 23,063 a year. I made up this whole little story ('cause stories make me feel better...) about how she was going back to college. I bought the college dorm room, bought tickets to the college football game (and the Taylor Swift concert and Rays game), and put money into my college fund. Mrs. Madley yelled at me!!! She was all "you don't have kids, why are you putting money into a college!" And then me: "Um, I wanted to go." Her: "Why would you do that?" Me: "Um, I don't know, maybe to get a better paying job?" Teagan, Stevie, and Laurel were laughing at me, but, hey, if I needed my 33 and single person to get a better job, going to college is the best way to do it! The best part of the day was the career survey that everyone had to take. One of the jobs that it said would be perfect for me was an aerospace engineer, which is EXACTLY right!!!!! I wish author had been one, but I did get "newspaper editor" which is close.
Teen conditioning was h o r r i b l e- like always. But oh well. I have to go now, but I'll ttyl!!!
Love ya!
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Connor Shall PAY. And, We Set Things On Fire
Hehe, we did. It was so much fun! In science, Mrs. Huey was showing us how surface area affected the reaction, and she had this beaker with corn starch in it. (And her trusty mini little blowtorch, of course!) She was explaining how it wasn’t lighting in the beaker, so she gets Sean to come up and hold this piece of PAPER (highly flammable, I might add) while she got the blowtorch ready. We all thought she would light it with Sean standing there holding it, but she didn’t. She let Sean hold the blowtorch, and then she blew the cornstarch from the paper into the flame. It EXPLODED!!!! It was awesome! All you see is the huge burst of flame! It almost hit the flag! (But it didn’t!) And then we did a lab, which was cool except that I got stuck with Austin and he wouldn’t talk to me. At all. I kept trying to “engage” him in conversation as we waited for the alka-seltzer tablets to dissolve. Oh well, lol.
At the end of literature and right before PE, the office called “all middle school boys” to the cafeteria. Once they were gone, the girls were left with Mrs. Robinson in her room. It was fun, actually! We were talking about all the guys! Random, but fun, And it was such a nice class without the guys talking and everything. We were basically gossiping the whole time.
We had to go to the same talk, though. And we missed ten minutes of pe because of what the 7th grade girls are doing. The whole talk was about “sexting” and how it’s immoral and illegal and everything, and how our parents should check our phones. Well, I’m not doing any of that, so that was basically a waste for me… I text like 5 people regularly- Danielle, Laurel, Hannah, Zack, and Nickolas. And that’s out of like 50 people on my contacts list. (And the occasional picture of Chick-fil-a to Elizabeth :) lol).)
Some retard tied a sign to the flag pole, over the flag’s rope. So it took Sean, Nick, and me like 5 minutes to figure out how to get the flag down, because we couldn’t untie the knot on the sign. Who ties a sign to a flag pole when they know someone has to take the flag down?
Omigod, I’m so mad at Connor. So I get back from doing the flag, and I’m sitting there in Liturgical Prep, doing my math homework, and Connor comes up and puts a VERY realistic rubber snake next to my face. Alicia is trying to tell me that it was there, but I turn and he like shoves it at my face. I, being me, scream bloody murder and fall out of my chair. Everyone was laughing… (Yeah, I was to…) But I’m so mad! I could’ve hit my head or something. And Kelly wouldn’t give him a write-up… even though you really shouldn’t have snakes at school? Ugh, I hate snakes!
We played badminton in pe. Let’s see… I got hit with the birdie in my face 4 times, hit myself in the head with the racket, hit Laurel with the racket, tripped over my ankle and sprained it, and had to duck when the birdie was hit straight at my face. (With a squeal.) Yup. That would be me in pe.
OH! And high school! We found out yesterday morning what we got accepted into. You’re never going to believe this, but I got accepted into all 3 that I applied to! Dad was all “I’m so proud of all your achievements, you’ve worked so hard!” And then Jul goes, “Congratulations. You beat a randomizing system.” Lol. But everyone was joking about how they wanted me to go pick the lottery numbers. I’m going to Eastlake, I really want to go there, even though no one from OLL will be going there. They have the best creative writing class, and Mr. Wahnish is so nice!
I’m tired. But I’m going to see if I can finish the crossword on VFK, maybe make a set, and I have deadlines to meet for my writing! (This book has to get finished!) So, good night!!!!
TTYL, -Jess
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Guess What, VFK!!!!!

So awesome!!! Do you see that? I'm #23 on the list of people who completed the quest fastest! I've wanted this for maybe two years!!!! It's amazing! I'm finally on the list!! EEEEEEEE!!!!! The list is awesome! I cannot believe it, but I'm so freaking happy! I've wanted it since I first saw VFK and had to wait to get in. This is so amazing!
Friday, February 26, 2010
F-U-M-I-N-G Spells Fuming

Wednesday, February 24, 2010
I Feel Like a Spy
Yesterday, I watched a friggen 4th grader make my buddy cry. I was in the car, waiting for my mom to come out of school, and they were in after-care. The 4th grader falls off the slide, then turns around and starts screaming at Kendall, saying she pushed her. Well, common sense would be nice. How is a kindergardener going to push a 4th grader off a slide? Point is, I finally get out of the car (I remembered to take the keys and my phone with me) and go over to Kendall and her face is streaming with tears. Stupid 4th grader.
I'm assuming you want to know exactly why I feel like a spy. I really do. There's a teacher meeting, so I'm stuck in 5th grade all alone (Jul's sick). I just hacked into my mom's computer. (Her password is ****** I guessed it.) And then I snuck into the 8th grade room to rescue my graph paper, which I need for my homework. Unfortunately, I'm typing this instead of doing it... so it kinda defeated the purpose. But the lights are off and the whole building is silent. Exactly why I feel very espionage-y.
We did a lab today in science. I got paired up with Nick. (Again? This is like the 6th time in a row.) It was with clay and you had to show the chemical equations with the clay. I kept telling Nickolas what to do. It was pretty funny 'cause he was getting annoyed and everything. But not too annoyed, otherwise I would've cut it out. But if he got to play with the clay, I got to explain how to make it. (Lol) But we actually finally talked during this lab. The last three, I think, we barely talked because of something Sara told him about me. But I don't know what it was, and he obviously knows better than to listen to her now.
Oh, another reason I feel like a spy. Today, in SS, we started the "simulation" where we get a new identity and have to budget our finances. But it's pretty awesome how we get a cover and everything! Unfortunately, I'm a single plumber with a 7 year old girl. (No, I did not pick it!) Does that mean I was divorced or widowed? That kind of stinks, but oh well. This is still fun!
I wanted to write so many more things, but I forget what they were! Ugh! Lol. Oh! I made a roleplay site. It's . It's for Percy Jackson fans. I'm getting Danielle and Elizabeth to join!
That reminded me, I went to see Percy Jackson with Hannah and Danielle. Compared to the book, it stunk. The books are like the best books in the world. Seriously. Well, besides Gallagher Girls and Twilight. Those 3 top my list.
I'm thinking I should start my homework now, before the meeting ends and I'm caught on the computer. A good spy never gets caught, right? I promise to post more as soon as I can, and not have a 15 day difference!
I love ya!
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Cheats & Braids & Life & Love

At this point in time, you're probably wondering about the title. (Or singing it in your head. It could totally be a song, admit it!) Well, it could stand for many, many things in a young fourteen year old's life, but I think you'll find out soon. Lol.
First, I wrote a haiku! Hehe, this, I guess, could be for the "& Love" part of the title. Even though I said it didn't mean anything. 'Cause I'm tricky like that. Lol.
The moment his eyes met mine,
I knew it was real.
Today, I saw a story about someone not being able to get onto MLIA at school because it was blocked. Well, if you type in "https://" instead of "http://" you can get onto any site that is blocked by the school's firewall. You're welcome, MLIAers. MLIA
Yeah, that's awesome. And I plan on remembering it. 'Cause everything is blocked in high school. Lol. I'm online because I need to work on Spanish. I don't know if that officially counts as cheating if I'm using Google Languages, but I went to the "check you answers" part of the website where she got her worksheet. Half was done correctly, though most of that was through the help of Alicia and Nick. (We were a group in Spanish today.) And, I'm helping Zack with his Religion. Yup. That basically means giving answers :).
When I went to Jul's piano recital thingy on Saturday, I saw this girl who had her hair in a ponytail, but it had a braid in it! It looked so cool! So I've worn a braid in my pony yesterday and today. And my contacts. But those hurt, so I ended up taking them out in Religion. And my eye is still sore and red and everything.
My knees are sore, too. 'Cause I slid and fell down thrice in PE. (Hehe. Thrice. What a cool, old sounding word. Yup. I'm such a word-nerd. Lol.) But I think I played pretty well, considering dodgeball isn't my sport. But, hey, I try. Unfortunately, Mrs. Schaibly is making me do track. She asked me why I wasn't doing it, and I told her that I didn't want to do it this year. She responded with "Why not? You're fast. I'm putting you on the list." Well, I don't care how many times she puts me on the list. I don't have the time. I have a deadline to meet, anyways. Plus, quite frankly, track is boring. Two hours of nonstop running for like four weeks for only two track events is terrible. It's torture. Yup. But I'm scared to tell her that. Elizabeth said she'd come up with me :). But Alicia, Zack, Sabrina, Danielle, and I are trying to think of ways to get me out with an excuse. Like, doctor's note (don't know any doctors), sprained ankle (painful, but I'd be willing to do it!), be absent on the day of try-outs. (Zack'. And probably the easiest way to do it, too.)
We took those stinking lexile quizzes in Writing today. Since it was the only period Mrs. Robinson has with us in the computer lab. Mine's 1327. But I really don't care what it is. And that's low. For me. I think the highest you can get is 1500, though. But I'm not letting a stupid number tell me how high I read. I read at a sixth grade level in second grade, and a twelfth grade level in fifth. Plus, all the books they recommend I've already read.
We finished Ulysses. Or, we will tonight, for homework. It's sad how we finished it that quickly. I hope we get to do a project on it. Because the mythology unit is my favorite!!!
Talking about mythology, Zack, Hannah, Danielle, and Nick (Zack invited him) are planning to go see Percy Jackson and the Olympians. Those were good books. But the trailer says it comes out President's Day, but the site says the 12th. Yeah, life's confusing like that. But hopefully, we'll go this Saturday.
There's a dance on Friday, for Valentine's Day. But I don't know if I'll go.
Friday, February 5, 2010
Ok, Ok, So It Wasn't All Bad
And then I go to school and sit in the cafeteria, while the guys were writing on their PE shirts. (Which they weren't supposed to be doing, anyway.) I go, totally nonchalantly, that I want to be #10. ('Cause, you know, it's my number.) But then like 20 people turn around and start yelling at me, and Tommy's just like "No! You're using your class #. I'm ten!!!!!" And, I mean, really, I didn't know! It's like, gee, I'm sorry, no need to raise your voice.
In Homeroom/SS, I found out that Zack broke his ankle. In basketball or something, but that's all I heard. And the guys were laughing at him. (He wasn't there, though.) I was like, "WTF, shut up! Someone gets hurt and you make fun? Really?" But I didn't actually say that. Well, I said it to Danielle... just minus the first 3 letters :). It was cruel, I don't know why they would do it. They're stupid and mean. If you're reading this, Zack, I hope you feel better!!!!
2nd period was the 8th grade takeover! I got fifth grade advanced math! With Mrs. Maclean :). There were only 8 kids, and they were so quiet. But we got through everything, so that was good. It totally brought back memories of my fourth/fifth years. And sixth. It was fun! I got to use the overhead, and write in her grade book :)!!!!
I had to finish my brochure in computer. Snack I decorated my shirt. I'll include a pic later. Then we had english, and spanish. Easy. Then lunch. I told Danielle that I had "breaking news" and she understood what I meant. So hopefully, when she comes over Sunday for the Ecuador project I can tell her. Britt, you already know. If you read the PM. Lol. And then, it was time. *Dramatic Music*
The volleyball game; 8th grade verse teachers. It was a definite show down. We creamed them, though. We played six games, and won all of them. It was awesome. Poor teachers, couldn't even win one! Haha, Mrs. Boyden served, and Danielle would cheer for her! Very awesometacularly fun! I took videos, and I'm going to make two videos, a short one for youtube, and a longer one just to use all the clips. We knew we would win, though. And with my little "gift" (Hehe, Danielle, Brit, anyone who gets my abilites to make stuff happen, lol!) on our side, we had to win. It was destiny. Haha, not really. Lol.
After that, we had and ice cream social. It was good!!! I had red vanilla ice cream. (They dyed it!) Kendall was happy, too :). Currently, I'm still in my uniform. (From the game, with #5 and Jess on it.) And I can't wait to make the videos. But I also have to write a thank you note to Karen Fox and read the manuscript. Oh, and Laurel told me my nickname should've been "Bookworm" ((Liz's nickname in Gallagher Girls!!!)) but Danielle said it should've been "Stalker" since I pay attention to every detail. Right now, outside my window, it looks eerie. It's all red... interesting! Lol. Hopefully, tonight, I'll get the vids and the thank you note done, so I can watch the Big Bang Theory that I taped.
Monday, February 1, 2010
OMG, LOOK! It's The First of The Month :)

See that picture? Yeah, it's a set I made on Polyvore a while ago. Butttt, guess what. I made it 6 months ago, and it's still being commented on. Currently it has 33 faves, and 46 comments. Yes, it's that popular! Haha!!! But it's not even a fashion set, so that's pretty good. I actually made it as a joke, like how everyone does team vampire or werewolf, and this is like both of them in other roles... Yeah. But people took it seriously, and really commented. A couple of examples of comments:
JUICY:GIRL!!!♥F L O R A♥™ wrote 6 months ago
♥Sianny♥ wrote 6 months ago
"Is it weird that I thought he was hot in Harry Potter? Team Wizard all the way. "
.:I:LOVE:LIFE:. wrote 6 months ago
"gah! i cant choose.... i loved him in harry potter but i like taylor lautner SO much more"
Bowl of Butter wrote 4 months ago
Polyvore10 wrote two months ago
"WIZARD! Ur u kidding? OMG I agree that Taylor should have a thing with being a animal! LMFAO That are both actors that are in my favourite 2 things in the world! The Bloody Hell Twilight and the OMG Harry Potter!"
Yup. Lol. But enough of that set... Let's talk about the day. I guess. Lol.
So, today was pretty good. I made up my science and spanish quizzes from when I was absent, but I still ahve to take Religion and Literature. We went with our buddies in Religion, and Kendall loved her camping trip. Her favorite part? Getting muddy. That would be my favorite, too! Lol. We then had a very, very detailed discussion of blanket and pillow forts.
I still have to make a pros-and-cons list, and everything else, but right now, I have to go eat. And get changed. And finish all my homework. Which is a lot, I tell you. Eng, Math, Spanish, Science, Religion... Yup! So I g2g. Hopefully I'll write my 2 pagesof TCB... and maybe if I do, I'll give you guys a sneak peek. I know you want it. Lol.
Friday, January 29, 2010
Ok, Freaking Out
Me: Laurel?
Monday, January 25, 2010
iPod Survey... and LIfe
Saturday at Elizabeth's was so much fun! We started playing ping-pong and then we all walked to this little park to play volleyball, and basketball. I almost got into a fight. Not entirely my fault, though. I've gone to Catholic school my whole life, how would I know that sarcasm is not a welcome part of the world? Plus those people were pretty dumb. I'm sorry that they lost their key and then were planning on walking all the way home to get a flashlight- when they had phones! Wow... Plus, the one guy ended up with it in his hands. Like I said, stupids. Lolz.
Today was pretty cool. Brain Bowl again, at lunch. I feel bad for Michael and Tommy, neither of them passed the test. But they don't know that yet. Michael scored more than Tommy. But my mom is waiting to see if anyone else tries out, or if Laurel's mom is going to make her do it. But I hope that both of them make it in. If Laurel doesn't really want to do it, then know one should make her. 'Cause we want everyone happy! Not glum that they're being forced into doing something. Although, I never really had a choice? Lol. Let's just go with Michael & Tommy.
In science we had Mrs. Lauremer. We actually got to work in partners (thanks, Sean!) and Elizabeth and I got to the worksheet with the letters and you had to make words. I think it was section G.
We picked Volleyball Teams in PE. This year, 8th grade is gonna win. Last year, they basically stunk. So, ha. We're going to win!
I'm doing an iPod quiz. For no reason at all. I just want to do it. So... what shall I get?
How am I feeling today? Too Cool
How do my friends see me? Spotlight
What is my best friend's theme song? Proud Mary
What is the story of my life? Never Think
What is the best thing about me? The Best Day
What is today going to be like? A Love That Will Last
What is in store for this week? One of Those Girls
What song describes my mom? Maybe This Time
What song describes my dad? From This Moment On
To describe my grandparents? Tell Me Something I Don't Know
How is my life going? The Way You Love Me
What song will they play at my funeral? Let's Bounce
How does the world see me? Tim McGraw
Will I have a happy life? I Decide
What do my friends really think of me? Defying Gravity
How can I make myself happy? Someone Else's Dream
What should I do with my life? Until You're Mine
What is some good advice for me? True Colors
How will i be remembered? I Can Do Better
What is my signature dancing song? Cowboy Casanova
What is my current theme song? Innocence
What does everyone else think my current theme song is? Teardrops On My Guitar
Opening Credits: More
Waking Up: Leave Out All The Rest
First Day At School: Breakaway
Falling In Love: Man! I Feel Like A Women!
Fight Song: Don't Forget To Remember Me
Breaking Up: Hot
Prom: All-American Girl
Life's OK: I Always Get What I Want
Mental: As A Blonde
Driving: These Four Walls
Flashback: Material Girl
Getting Back Together: I'm Only Me When I'm With You
Wedding: My Life Would Suck Without You
Birth of Child: Night Before (Life Goes On)
Final Battle: Teardrops on my Guitar (Pop version)
Death Scene: Tremble for my Beloved
Funeral Song: Flat on the Floor
End Credits: When you're Gone
What song describes my mood right now? Gotta Be Somebody
What song do I listen to when Im depressed? How to Save A Life
Happy? Perfectly Good Heart
Scared? Suddenly I See
Bored? Call Me, Beep Me
As I said, I'm bored. And now I should go finish my math homework.
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Unbelievably Remarkable
I can't believe it! I made this set Thursday night, and it already has 39 favs. That's the most I've ever gotten in that period of time. So... do you guys think I should make a blue one so this won't be lonely? Domokin is so cute... lol.
So, today I went to Eastlake's Robotics Club thing, to watch them work on their robot for the conversation. Since you can't shadow, this was the perfect oppurtunity. And I loved it... Everyone accepted me, and I'm only and 8th grader. And it was so much fun! I liked the website group the best, I think. And the one guy thinks I have ADD 'cause I loved the changing-color keyboard on the laptop. Haha, no ADD. Just Randomness, right? Lol.
I'm going to have a really hard decision, I think, between high schools. It's this or CAT. But CAT is so stinking far away! And I'd have to wake up so early to catch the bus to get there. I'll make prosand-cons chart on Friday, after I shadow at CAT.
Today I'm going to Elizabeth's. At 5. For a ping-pong tournament. I'm really, really hoping there isn't a TV in the room. 'Cause knowing me, I would probably hit it. Since my camera is dead, I'm hoping mom will let me take hers. Hopefully. And then, maybe tomorrow or even later tonight, I'll post the best pictures :). And put the rest into Picasa.
Friday, January 22, 2010
The Bowl of the Brains

Tuesday, January 19, 2010
This is a Witty Title
Well... 1st period is SS and we finished a worksheet. Oh, and I got the QOD (question of the day) correct! Which is awesome :).
2nd period is Literature, and WE STARTED THE MYTHOLOGY LESSON!!!!!!! Let's see... my name in Greek looks pretty much the same except for the letter S. Which is cool looking. Finally. This is my favorite unit, ever. I love the mythology. If we have to do a Greek project at the end, I hope she lets us do the same goddess we did last year. <3 Artemis :).
3rd period= PE. We played flag football. For the first time. We were VERY excited. She explained the rules to the guys and then turned around and started from the beginning for us. The first thing she did? Hold up the football and go "Ok, this is a football.". Lol. I think we did pretty well, though.
Snack, I had these amazingly good crumb cake things. They were the BEST. I loved them.
In writing, we had to write about how TV characters are different than real characters. I was going to do Alex from WOWP (Wizards of Waverly Place), but then she said we could do movies or books, too, so I changed it. 'Cause Alice is more me. Lol. Bubbly, charismatic, how can you NOT love Alice? I had to add all sorts of details into it, of course.
Spanish... we tood the words of the week quiz. And I went up to the smart board to do something, and I got mine and whoever went before me's right. (They got it wrong, she askede me to correct it!) I was so happy, 'cause you know Spanish is my weak spot.
Lunch... lunch... lunch... *happy scream* For the first time in forever, I was actually in the middle. I was in the middle. :) :) :) :) :O <----- screaming emote :). I was in the middle!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Which is amazing! I could actually be a part of the conversation, and listen to everything going on in other conversations. But knowing my class, we were all kind of the same conversation, except for the people at the other table; Maggie, Sabrina, Kameron, Linnette.... But everyone else was at our table :). I wasn't even at the end! I was in the middle!!!! Lol :).
Science, was science. Notes... But I did get most of my literature homework done after I finished/turned in the worksheet. So that was good.
Math, we had Mrs. Maclean! We haven't had her in forever! Since 6th grade! It brought back memories!!!! And she's going to be teaching for the rest of the week, since Kelly is out of town. But I still dont get dividing monomials with a negative exponent. I bet if you're reading this from the future you'll know them and might possibly be stuck on something else. Well, keep working on that, 'cause I'll keep working on the division so it won't be harder for you later on :).
Religion was just reading the gospels, 'cause band had to go practice. But Sean, Elizabeth, and I left early to go take down the flag. (NJHS) Well, I figure I should go finish my homework now. Maybe if I have time I'll write more of TCB. I hope so. Maybe if I feel up to it later this week, I might do a chapter of VI or AS, but I don't know.
Love ya!
Monday, January 18, 2010
Actually, The Week's Over
I also found a site called blog2print, and once my year is over, I plan on publishing this blog :). So that when I'm old and have forgotten I wrote this blog, I can look back at my year, 2010, and know exactly what went on with my life.
But first, a note to my older self. ('Cause I'm such a geek like that!)
Dear older me,
How are you doing? I don't care whether you're reading this in 2011 at age 15, or if you're reading this at age 30 with kids and you need to relish in memories. Are you still enjoying life to the fullest? 'Cause you better be. Don't let anything get you down, and if you happen to let it, remember that something better is around the corner. Smile. Laugh! Hang out with friends and have a great time. Dream. If I'm thirty, have I followed my dreams? Am I a mission control specialist/author? Which college did I go to? I better not've had a divorce! Make sure he's the one before you marry him :). YOU BETTER NOT BE... drinking, doing drugs, smoking, or doing any bodily harm. I will come from the past and stop you. I promise. Lol. But seriously, don't ruin our body like that. I don't want to call you, being my older self, an idiot. So watch it. Lol.
I love ya!
-Jess<3 from the past!
Today was writing retreat day! I worked on TCB. Do you want an excerpt? I bet you do. But maybe later, not now. Since where I'm at hasn't even gotten exciting. But I know what's coming out. The taxi-cab chase. Has it been edited out by the time you're reading this? I hope not, 'cause this scene is going to be fun to write! Jul and I made a (OH, does Jul have a Yorkie yet?) a youtube video yesterday. I'd give the link but for some reason it's not letting me paste. Oh well. Lol. Do you want to see a picture of me? Well... yeah, okay. So I know what I looked like at fourteen. Lol. I'm eating ice cream at Nick's party. I think Michael took the picture, but I'm not sure. Someone had my camera, though. Lol.
I look pretty nervous. Hmm... that's not the best picture of me. Oh well. It's nine o' clock, I should start getting ready for bed :). I'll be updating frequently!
And I just realized this is basically an online diary. Lol. Oh well, it's cool.