Haha, that is probably so wrong. I know nothing of French. I don't know what it means, either. I was just thinking of what I was gonna write, which was "Mercy" but yeah... Lol.
I don't think I commented about the baseball game. Epic-ness. Except for the whole sunburn thing. And the obnoxious guy in front of me yelling. And everyone getting up and moving from me. (I know, Nick, you said you didn't do it on purpose.) But other than that, fun :).
I went golfing with Danielle and Elizabeth and Alicia. Now that was totally awesometacular! I came in dead last! But I had so much fun :) ((http://picasaweb.google.com/Jessica.Cherinka ))
I don't think I commented about the baseball game. Epic-ness. Except for the whole sunburn thing. And the obnoxious guy in front of me yelling. And everyone getting up and moving from me. (I know, Nick, you said you didn't do it on purpose.) But other than that, fun :).
I went golfing with Danielle and Elizabeth and Alicia. Now that was totally awesometacular! I came in dead last! But I had so much fun :) ((http://picasaweb.google.com/Jessica.Cherinka ))
Alicia and My's spanish project is coming along very, very well. It's pretty awesome. We had to create out own family and everything. We're twins, she's Lauren and I'm Alyss. (Naturally.) But I'll write more about that later.
Yesterday, in science, I was finished with the notes, so I was just sitting there, doodling, and I see Michael out of the corner of my eye, so I turn and he mouths at me. (Actually, I'm making this like a script. It's easier to write. Kinda. I don't know. Lol, it's just 'cause there's a lot of speaking parts.)
Michael: mouthing, You. (points at me) Me. (points at himself) 3.00. (holds up 3 fingers) Parking Lot. (hits his fist together with his hand) I'm gonna be-eat you.
Me: mouthing, I'd like to see you try. (And then I crack my knuckles for dramatic effect.)
After Class, Walking To Math
Michael: Do you really think you can beat me?
Me: Yeah? It can't be that hard.
Nickolas: Really?
Michael: You aren't that strong.
Me: I know. But I'm tiny. That gives me an advantage.
Michael: How? I could crush you easily.
Me: Sure. Probably. But you'd have to catch me first.
Elizabeth: She beat you in mercy.
Michael: When?
Me: Like last quarter.
Michael. That's last quarter. This is this quarter.
Elizabeth: I don't think you've changed that much.
Today, After Lunch
Michael walks out of the cafeteria
Elizabeth: Michael! I think Jessica was planning on beating you in mercy?
Michael: Fine. But you're so going down. I'm winning this.
Me: Ok, whatever you want to believe, Michael.
Elizabeth: Okay, at this side of the ring is Michael... at 5'...7...8? And on this side is Jessica at...
Me: You don't need to say my height.
Michael: *snorting*
Elizabeth: Okay, Jessica, smaller than Michael!!! Go!
The fight begins. I'm pretty good at just standing there, letting him exert his strength while I hold him at bay. It's pretty intense- so intense that Nick and Sean walk over to see what the heck is going on. Well, I'm thinking about how in Eclipse while Jazz and Alice are fighting they're really just dancing, and then I thought about my 5 years of ballet, and I was like, let's win this! So I, still holding Michael's hands, waiting for him to break for a second so I can use all my limited strength, twirl underneath him, like how you would twirl your partner in one of those dances, except I was twirling myself using his hands. It probably would've looked cooler if I was wearing a skirt, 'cause it would've twirled around me. But anyways, Michael let go and I totally won that :). 'Cept in math he kept saying he never said mercy so no one won... Yeah, right. I so won that!
I'm kinda mad, though, at the whole online writing thing. So we were supposed to make a short story on one of these two topics "Imposter" or "Footsteps in the Sand". I chose Imposter, so I was supposed to write a short story about if you got turned into someone else. ((OK QUICK BREAK! WTF? DAD just ran into my room and slammed the door and crawled over my bed and then mom comes in and is like ready to attack. OK BREAK OVER)) So I decide to write it on a girl who gets turned into a 20 year old "witch" living in Salem in the 1600s. Well, you know me, I write like how I normally write, and end up with 4321 worded essay. (Hehe, 4,3,2,1) Well, there I am, thinking it's short, because compared to what else I've written, it is, so I submit it to the computer program and it gives me an N/A! An N/A! That's what people who can't write at all get! It's because I went over the word limit- which was 800. Well, that's stupid. Who can write a proper short story in 800 words? That's hardly enough to build up your characters and write about them, let alone include a plot. UGH. So I asked Mrs. Robinson what to do, and ('Cause it was pointless having me count down on it- no way would I get rid of enough to get to 800) she told me just to print it out. I asked if I would get all 30 points taken away, and she's like, "No, but you will get some off because it's too long." So a writing teacher is going to take off points because a student wrote more than what was asked on a presumably no-word-limit essay? That stinks! It's not fair! But at lunch, Sean's like trying to cheer me up, and he goes "Ah, Jessica, don't worry, it juts means you're smarter than a computer!" Well, thanks, Sean. That actually did make me feel better :). But it still stinks.
I figured out how to make that ring out of a dollar! Zack showed me a while ago, and I couldn't figure it out, but I did! Yay! So.. I can't think of anything else to post... so... I'll TTYL!!!
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