The title says it all! Haha lol. Today was the first day of Brain Bowl! Woo-hoo! Lol. It actually was okay. The people returning from last year are Elizabeth, Sean, Nickolas, Austin, Stevie, and me. Laurel quit, because Sara wanted her to. Yeah, well, we can't do anything about "peer pressure" right now. We finally got Michael to try out, I think being the only one in science and having to disect a squid alone with Sara really changed his mind. So he and Tommy tried out. They had to take the quiz... Lets just say they might not make it. But I really, really hope they do. Ecspecially since Laurel quit, and we need eight players.
I think the funniest moment today was in Brain Bowl. The conversation is as follows:
Mom: "Who is the American composer of White Christmas?"
Austin: "Bing Crosby."
Stevie (in ghetto accent): "White Christmas wasn't written by no black man." ((NOT BEING RACIST))
Mom: "Bing Crosby wasn't black. Anyone know the answer?"
Tommy: "DUDE! You're talking about Bill Cosby!!!" ((To Stevie))
We lost it. It was so funny! And the timing was perfect and everything... We went through a whole brand-new box of cheezit mix. Well, it was about five hungry 8th grade boys on a Friday afternoon, so it makes sense.
The rest of the day was funny, too :). Ah, I love my class.
Yesterday, unfortunately, was the first day of teen conditioning. With Mrs. Wong. I actually cracked my shoulder while doing it. It was terrible! It made a horrible, sickening, crunching noise. But I'm okay, so not to worry! But I wish I was still in TV... it's so much more fun than teen conditioning...
The quote above I really love. (Oh! I ryhmed!) It so goes with the whole Brain Bowl thing!!!
Jul's at Horse Back Riding right now. I don't know what we're having for dinner... but I do know that after it I'm going to watch The Big Bang Theory. Or WOWP Wizards verse Werewolves. I've heard rumors that Juliet is going to be gone... I really hope this isn't true!!! It better not be!! I'll cry if it is! (I don't know whether it'd be out of anger or sadness, though.) But I'll probably watch both :)
Happy Friday!
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