At this point in time, you're probably wondering about the title. (Or singing it in your head. It could totally be a song, admit it!) Well, it could stand for many, many things in a young fourteen year old's life, but I think you'll find out soon. Lol.
First, I wrote a haiku! Hehe, this, I guess, could be for the "& Love" part of the title. Even though I said it didn't mean anything. 'Cause I'm tricky like that. Lol.
My heart skipped a beat,
The moment his eyes met mine,
I knew it was real.
The moment his eyes met mine,
I knew it was real.
I think it's 5,7,5 syllables. I counted how many times! Lol, but I don't know.
So the "Cheats part of the title could mean many, many things. Or it could mean what I'm doing right now. Or what I'm about to post that could help in the future. This was on MLIA, and it has to be one of the greatest tricks known to man. Or the teens who read MLIA.
Today, I saw a story about someone not being able to get onto MLIA at school because it was blocked. Well, if you type in "https://" instead of "http://" you can get onto any site that is blocked by the school's firewall. You're welcome, MLIAers. MLIA
Yeah, that's awesome. And I plan on remembering it. 'Cause everything is blocked in high school. Lol. I'm online because I need to work on Spanish. I don't know if that officially counts as cheating if I'm using Google Languages, but I went to the "check you answers" part of the website where she got her worksheet. Half was done correctly, though most of that was through the help of Alicia and Nick. (We were a group in Spanish today.) And, I'm helping Zack with his Religion. Yup. That basically means giving answers :).
When I went to Jul's piano recital thingy on Saturday, I saw this girl who had her hair in a ponytail, but it had a braid in it! It looked so cool! So I've worn a braid in my pony yesterday and today. And my contacts. But those hurt, so I ended up taking them out in Religion. And my eye is still sore and red and everything.
My knees are sore, too. 'Cause I slid and fell down thrice in PE. (Hehe. Thrice. What a cool, old sounding word. Yup. I'm such a word-nerd. Lol.) But I think I played pretty well, considering dodgeball isn't my sport. But, hey, I try. Unfortunately, Mrs. Schaibly is making me do track. She asked me why I wasn't doing it, and I told her that I didn't want to do it this year. She responded with "Why not? You're fast. I'm putting you on the list." Well, I don't care how many times she puts me on the list. I don't have the time. I have a deadline to meet, anyways. Plus, quite frankly, track is boring. Two hours of nonstop running for like four weeks for only two track events is terrible. It's torture. Yup. But I'm scared to tell her that. Elizabeth said she'd come up with me :). But Alicia, Zack, Sabrina, Danielle, and I are trying to think of ways to get me out with an excuse. Like, doctor's note (don't know any doctors), sprained ankle (painful, but I'd be willing to do it!), be absent on the day of try-outs. (Zack'. And probably the easiest way to do it, too.)
We took those stinking lexile quizzes in Writing today. Since it was the only period Mrs. Robinson has with us in the computer lab. Mine's 1327. But I really don't care what it is. And that's low. For me. I think the highest you can get is 1500, though. But I'm not letting a stupid number tell me how high I read. I read at a sixth grade level in second grade, and a twelfth grade level in fifth. Plus, all the books they recommend I've already read.
We finished Ulysses. Or, we will tonight, for homework. It's sad how we finished it that quickly. I hope we get to do a project on it. Because the mythology unit is my favorite!!!
Talking about mythology, Zack, Hannah, Danielle, and Nick (Zack invited him) are planning to go see Percy Jackson and the Olympians. Those were good books. But the trailer says it comes out President's Day, but the site says the 12th. Yeah, life's confusing like that. But hopefully, we'll go this Saturday.
There's a dance on Friday, for Valentine's Day. But I don't know if I'll go.
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