Saturday at Elizabeth's was so much fun! We started playing ping-pong and then we all walked to this little park to play volleyball, and basketball. I almost got into a fight. Not entirely my fault, though. I've gone to Catholic school my whole life, how would I know that sarcasm is not a welcome part of the world? Plus those people were pretty dumb. I'm sorry that they lost their key and then were planning on walking all the way home to get a flashlight- when they had phones! Wow... Plus, the one guy ended up with it in his hands. Like I said, stupids. Lolz.
Today was pretty cool. Brain Bowl again, at lunch. I feel bad for Michael and Tommy, neither of them passed the test. But they don't know that yet. Michael scored more than Tommy. But my mom is waiting to see if anyone else tries out, or if Laurel's mom is going to make her do it. But I hope that both of them make it in. If Laurel doesn't really want to do it, then know one should make her. 'Cause we want everyone happy! Not glum that they're being forced into doing something. Although, I never really had a choice? Lol. Let's just go with Michael & Tommy.
In science we had Mrs. Lauremer. We actually got to work in partners (thanks, Sean!) and Elizabeth and I got to the worksheet with the letters and you had to make words. I think it was section G.
We picked Volleyball Teams in PE. This year, 8th grade is gonna win. Last year, they basically stunk. So, ha. We're going to win!
I'm doing an iPod quiz. For no reason at all. I just want to do it. So... what shall I get?
How am I feeling today? Too Cool
How do my friends see me? Spotlight
What is my best friend's theme song? Proud Mary
What is the story of my life? Never Think
What is the best thing about me? The Best Day
What is today going to be like? A Love That Will Last
What is in store for this week? One of Those Girls
What song describes my mom? Maybe This Time
What song describes my dad? From This Moment On
To describe my grandparents? Tell Me Something I Don't Know
How is my life going? The Way You Love Me
What song will they play at my funeral? Let's Bounce
How does the world see me? Tim McGraw
Will I have a happy life? I Decide
What do my friends really think of me? Defying Gravity
How can I make myself happy? Someone Else's Dream
What should I do with my life? Until You're Mine
What is some good advice for me? True Colors
How will i be remembered? I Can Do Better
What is my signature dancing song? Cowboy Casanova
What is my current theme song? Innocence
What does everyone else think my current theme song is? Teardrops On My Guitar
Opening Credits: More
Waking Up: Leave Out All The Rest
First Day At School: Breakaway
Falling In Love: Man! I Feel Like A Women!
Fight Song: Don't Forget To Remember Me
Breaking Up: Hot
Prom: All-American Girl
Life's OK: I Always Get What I Want
Mental: As A Blonde
Driving: These Four Walls
Flashback: Material Girl
Getting Back Together: I'm Only Me When I'm With You
Wedding: My Life Would Suck Without You
Birth of Child: Night Before (Life Goes On)
Final Battle: Teardrops on my Guitar (Pop version)
Death Scene: Tremble for my Beloved
Funeral Song: Flat on the Floor
End Credits: When you're Gone
What song describes my mood right now? Gotta Be Somebody
What song do I listen to when Im depressed? How to Save A Life
Happy? Perfectly Good Heart
Scared? Suddenly I See
Bored? Call Me, Beep Me
As I said, I'm bored. And now I should go finish my math homework.
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