I entered the Vera Wang contest on Polyvore. I like this set a lot, and it's a totally new layout. I don't even really know what Vera Wang is, but I figured I have nothing to lose by joining.
Well, anyways, today we had a field trip to the Chrism Mass led by the Bishop. I think I shall start the description of the day before we left. So, now, unto the memory of snack. (Hehe, I wanted to say it all old-fashiondy)
I was walking to the cafeteria with Alicia and Elizabeth, and we get our snacks out of the cooler and sit down. Two minuted later, Danielle comes in, slams her snack on the table and like yells at us. "Thanks for waiting, guys." Like, she really did yell at us. We were like, okay? Then in the bathroom Alicia and I were talking and we were all "What the heck? She just blew up at us!" Which she did.
Then we were getting on the bus, and Danielle didn't want to sit with me because she said "I would be writing the whole trip." Well, that was fine with me, but she decided I would feel hurt so she sat down next to me. Then she blocked me out while I was trying to talk to Elizabeth. By that I mean she sat with her back to me, and Alicia was laughing 'cause it was so obvious that I couldn't talk while someone's back was to me, because I couldn't look past her! Well, then I joke to Elizabeth "Awesome people unite!" and Danielle looks at me and goes "Oh, you're not with us, Jess." And I was like what the heck? And she goes "Chill, Jess, it was just a joke." Which I know it was. But, really? I'm sick and tired of getting put down by her in everything I do. Okay, so it's not her pitiful "normal", but that's perfectly fine with me. I don't need to be normal!
Father Gary decides to stop at Starbucks to but us all a drink, and as we were getting out She goes to Kelly "I thought we weren't allowed to have electric devices on the bus." And Kelly is like "This is how we get the bus back." And Danielle goes "It was just a joke!" And then I go "Yeah, but your jokes aren't funny." And she's like "What is wrong you today?" And I'm like "Well, I don't know, maybe it's that I was just dissed like five times during this trip?" And she goes "You say stuff about me all the time!" And I go "Name one example of when I did!" And she turns and stomps off toward Starbucks. I was like, forget it. I'm tired of being made fun of and then being told to "chill" or that it was "just a joke". Well, the thing is, every "I'm just joking" has some truth in it.
In other news, I ordered a strawberry banana smoothie. And I felt so professional with my little Hamlet notebook and my church uniform on. Kelly told me that I looked it, too- I looked just like how she remembered what everyone in college does. Notebooks, laptops, homework, in Starbucks just sitting and working. We all lined up and were ordering and everyone is saying "Mocha" or "Frap" and the guy behind the counter was just shouting stuff like "Another Double Chocolate Frap". And then I come along and he looked ready to say "Another..." And I go "May I have a strawberry banana smoothie, please?" And he laughs and it staring at me intently, and then Father Gary is like "Oh, a healthy one!" Well, not really, I just don't like coffee. I can't stand the smell. And I would've gotten hot chocolate, but it was already hot out, so I decided against it. As Alicia said later with the counter guy, if the laughing about a smoothie was an inside joke, no one got it.
When we got back into the bus, Danielle moved away from me and sat with Linnette. Alicia was laughing at me again, because it was just so stupid. When we got there, the mass was like two hours and it was pretty cool. But the choir was like high-pitched. I mean, they were in key and really good, just so loud! And the choir pit was AWESOME. It was on the ceiling. It never touched the ground, it was so cool.
After mass, we got back in the bus to go back to school, and I bravely left my notebook in the seat when we went in, I go to the seat with my book in it, and it was moved. I look up and Sean is sitting there, and I'm like what? And he's like "Just sit down." And I was still dubious, but then Kameron came like charging up the steps and I didn't want to be standing in the middle of the aisle so I sat down next to him. Connor was behind us, so he kept annoying me. I let Sean write something, because it was hard enough to write with him reading over my shoulder, and the bus kept moving. He ended up writing about some sort of suicidal tiger.
When we got back to school, it was basically time to go, so we all just walked out to carline. But mom had detention duty, so Sean asked me to go to the volleyball game. Well, I figured I'd rather go sit with my friends instead of sitting in 5th grade waiting until 4 o clock when detention is over, just watching Connor and Teagan copy the bible. So I walked over to the gym and sat with them for all of the jv game. First I sat next to Michael, then I moved over to Zack, and then he had to go call the lines for the game, so I was next to Sean. Mrs. Maclean came over and sat down next to me, and Sean leans over and goes "Mom, shouldn't you be sitting with the parents?" and she's just like "I came over to say hi to Jessi." And then we started talking and it turns out that for spring break, Sean, Nick, and Stevie will be at Disney for the same time I am. Stevie actually going to be staying at Port Orleans Riverside, which is where I'm staying. Sean and Nick are gonna be at the Wilderness Campground. I really, really hope we can do something like go to Downtown Disney or something. It would be so fun!!! Then Mrs. Maclean was like "Well, Jess, I should probably go sit down with the parents now." And then we both laugh and she goes by them. One of the reasons why she is one of my favorite teachers, ever. Mrs. Agrinsoni, Mrs. Maclean, and Mrs. Hong.
Well, TTYL,